
British Railways Standard Locomotives Drawings

Astronomical Map: Launch Date Target of Opportunity Flight Chart SKB 32100097-301

Collection of papers relating to Alan Pedder's AEI apprenticeship

Records of Aerocem Ltd

Master of Technical Science thesis entitled: "History of Fenton Murray & Wood"

Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

Photograph album of Petrochemicals Ltd.

The Application of Computers to Taxonomy by Peter Henry Andrews Sneath

Volume entitled: "Early Days of the Electrical Industry, and Other Reminiscences of Alexander P. Trotter"

Collection of notebooks for traditional 'A' level physics course at Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Gainsborough

Record book for Busty Morrison pit detailing supplies purchased

Photographic print: LM Descent Monitoring Chart, Apollo Mission 10

Photographic print: LM Descent Monitoring Chart Sheet 1 of 3

Notebook used when instructing in Radio Communication at 151 OCTU

Record Books of Horses employed in Mines

Archive of the hydrological research committee of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Natural Environment Research Council

Archive of the British Transport Commission

Kompleks kompensator, system Gall. Fabrikat H. Tinsley & Co., London. Betjeningsforskrift og beskrivelse

Beregning af lange sporisolationer

Bestemmelse af afledningen i en lang sporisolation ved hjaelp af emperemeter og voltmeter

Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors

A collection of Mullard Limited reports relating to semiconductors

Drawing of broad wheeled Sussex waggon as used in the counties Sussex & Kent, Southern England circa 1700-1930

Final Apollo 11 Flight Plan

Wilkes & Ashmore Archive

Documents Relating to The Transport of Goods via Liverpool Road Station

Material related to Donald Campbell and the Bluebird car and hydroplane

Collection of ephemera relating to Liverpool Road Station, Manchester

Railway shipping tickets for perishable goods

Photograph album entitled, 'The Daily Graphic Plastics Exhibition'

Minute book for Glass Houghton and Castleford Collieries Limited

The Development of the Lathe by Karl Wittmann

Golden Chariot. The Centenary Book of Thomas Tilling Limited

Volume entitled: "Electronics Engineering Department - Report of year's work for 1945"

Catalogue of the Gabb Collection of Early & Historical Scientific Instruments

Log books and servicing forms of Gloster aircraft E 28/39, number W 4041/G

Report of Special Operational Store 'Tyburn'

Astronomical Map: Apollo Lunar Orbit Chart (ALO), Apollo Mission 11

The First Halford Lecture by John Brodie

Physics practical worksheets as given to pupils at Shrewsbury School by V.K.Chew

Original charter of the Council of Engineering Institutions, granted by H.M. Queen Elizabeth II

Notes on O-level Physics by V.K.Chew

Graham Sealy's papers relating to the British Railways Hovercraft

Belvedere helicopters

3 items

Exploded-view printed drawings of the engine of Lambretta motor scooter125d-ld

Diagram of the endocrine system

Drawing of The Pullman Car Co. Ltd. General Arrangement First Class Parlour Car

2 items

Central Electricity Generating Board Maps

Deck Fitting of P.S. "Colonel Lamb" (1864)

Protection of Signal Boxes - Cambridge District